

Diffusable long-term decay, insect and mold protection.

Eradicates and protects against wood-destroying fungi, insects and mold. Ideal for both new and existing timbers.

Wood is an incredibly strong building material – and if it’s protected properly, it can last practically forever. Designed right, Sansin surface and core wood protection systems offer the best combination of protection and value.

Sansin Boracol is designed both to eradicate and protect against fungi, mold and decay-causing insects. It penetrates wood exceptionally well, even including heartwood, up to 3-5mm deep; and then establishes a reserve from where further penetration takes place (up to 40mm over 2 years in dry wood). Because Boracol diffuses with moisture, it will travel faster into wood with higher moisture content.

Boracol can be used to eradicate wood rot in existing structures, and it can also be used to protect new and existing logs and timbers against fungi and insect attack. Sansin Boracol contains boron which is far less hazardous than traditional treatments and will give your project the lasting protection it needs – with low toxicity.

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