Formulated for factory finishing.
Our proprietary water-borne alkyd formulations mean that Precision Coat products flow like a solvent but unlike solvents, they penetrate the wood, dry quickly, provide uniform color and deliver incomparable durability.
And, Precision Coat uses six base formulas to create an endless spectrum of color, clarity and hide options so your facility can minimize inventory while offering customers are comprehensive range of exterior wood finishes.
Complete color control.
The Precision Coat system facilitates complete control of finish clarity, color and grain definition, in an exceptionally durable, beautiful wood coating. The system is available in clear, translucent and solid-hide finishes that can be customized to meet your specific project requirements – including preservative and fire-retardant treatments. Designers and factory finishers can utilize Sansin’s color lab or work within the guidelines provided to qualified finishers to balance beauty and durability reliably. All Precision Coats are available in standard and architectural custom colors.
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